Surya Polina

How can I improve my body?

1 August 2024

What is strength?

Being strong is subjective. It has different meanings depending on the person. To some it means benching 225 or (mutually exclusive) holding a 30 minute plank. Being able to perform one feat doesn't exactly translate to the other. The concept of strength is a tad cloudy and it really depends on the kind of strength you want for your life. While playing pickup basketball I notice many of the best players don't look that strong. Yeah they're fit but people won't notice them for their body's. I'm here to tell you that being large or benching a certain weight doesn't make you strong. Matter a fact you can still be weak. General strength is what I want to discuss, aka continuous strength.

How do I acquire general strength?

I'll share an example of two different type's of people with different body adaptations. A construction worker that performs demanding tasks but doesn't hit the gym. A bodybuilder who goes to the gym for 2 hours a day and rests for the remaining. The construction worker's body will adapt to the physical demands of his job while the bodybuilder will adapt to the machines and general gym exercises. Say the construction worker lifts a bit less weight than the body builder but exhibits greater mobility and endurance than the bodybuilder. Who's stronger? It depends who you ask. Either a gym bro or a construction bro. Our strength goals should be based on what we like to do. For a basketball player being bulky and large is not helpful, just ask Kevin Durant. It affects your smoothness. Assess your lifestyle and body to determine the kind of strength you want. I'm 6'1, 175lbs and have always had a lanky build. I am a programmer for trade and don't need crazy muscles. However I still require some level of strength to remain a hobbyist sportsmen, especially as I age (I'm 24). Playing basketball or whatever it is you play will provide enough resistance to build the strength you need, but maybe not enough to satisfy your wants. Some sort of low to medium intensity resistance training will further improve gains. Sport and skilled practices will improve our coordination.

How do I improve coordination?

Learn a hobby you enjoy that requires coordination and skill. Make sure you Enjoy it so you can stick with it. Improving our coordination brings us satisfaction and confidence in our bodies. Some disciplines with a low barrier of entry include: jump rope, volleyball, calisthenics, rollerblading, basketball, juggling, or handwriting. That's right, even handwriting...ask the Chinese samurai's.

Will this help my aesthetic?

Yes, exercising does this. You will look better in clothing. Fashion starts with the body, clothes are the icing. Don't get it twisted.

Thanks for reading!