Surya Polina

What is this domain

29 January 2024


Instead of posting my writing to other software products. I made a simple cms to improve my web dev skills and leave space for creative, custom features.


Frameworks weren't necessary for the requirements. A vanilla approach made a lot of sense here (vanilla stack). The below image shows the admin view containing basic CRUD operands. The view is protected with token and two-factor authentication methods.


The domain is hosted on a VPS because of my data storage SQLite which isn't compatible with platform services (they prevent writing to the file systems). Pricing was the main factor which led me to Digital Ocean's offerings. I followed the tutorial here to set up the vps environment. Currently I'm paying $12/month but as readers increase this may change. I could convert an old macbook to a webserver and run it for free.


Hide posts - I want to be able to hide posts that need touching up

newsletter - Once I get consistent content

write more - tbd

Thanks for reading...